Wow, I must say I didn't see that coming; I'm SOooo surprised and flattered!
Thank you Karen, for the compliment of being awarded the "Stylish Blogger Award". Visit Karen, the "Idea Girl" at
Karen's Ideas Galore when you click here-- .
This is going to be a bit of a challenge.....I must share 7 things about myself? I was sure I'd already bored you all enough with my lengthy About Me profile.
1. Well..... I do have a tendency to procrastinate, so this may take a few days,.... HaHa.
2. I love fresh cut flowers and dream of having a beautiful blooming garden,......but, eventhough working in the garden is very enjoyable and thereapeutic...........
3. I've never really been a sunworshiper. When the heat and humidity of the mid-west soar and things get sticky and sweaty, I head for the AC.
4. I just can't imagine Christmas without a little snow, but there again, I'm just not into extreme temperatures and you won't find me out on the slopes or cruising along in a snowmobile. Building a snowman with my kids when they were young is more like it, then quickly back inside for some hot chocolate! Check out this Snow Horse we made one year.........

5. And water sports/ that really freaks me out!!! I never learned to swim and, although my mother has no recollection of it, I'm certain I almost drowned in the bathtub once when I was a child; maybe that explains my water phobia.
6. Since I've begun blogging it's not often that I'm without my camera, a gift from my family on my last birthday; my kids tell me I'm obsessed with taking photos.
7. My husband and I both enjoy cooking. We're always trying to analyze foods we enjoy eating at restaurants and then experiment to see if we can make them at home. Practice makes perfect as they say. The Olive Garden's Chicken Vino Bianco was a family favorite. When the menu item was discontinued, my husband was able to master it and now we enjoy it at home whenever the mood strikes. My husband's favorite dessert at Olive Garden was the Lemon Creme Cake. This was our biggest challenge but after several attempts that were "good", but just not "It", I can now confidently say that I Have Perfected It! And in fact, my daughter visited Olive Garden one evening and called home to see if she should get a cake "to go" to bring home with her. Remembering the lone piece in the freezer at the time, I told her to get just 1 piece and we'd have a blind taste test. The votes revealed either no real difference or they liked mine slightly better! Yay!!
So there you have it........a bit more trivia in the life of BettyJean.
Now it's my pleasure to have chosen those listed below as the next recipients of the prestigous Stylish Blogger Award. Some are very new to blogging and some have been around a little while but are still relatively unknown as I have chosen to award those with fewer than 200 followers. Won't you please click to visit as many as possible and leave an encouraging comment before continuing on to the next blog.
AND THE.................
GOES TO...............
Congratulations to you all and keep up the good work!
Rules for accepting the award are as follows:
1. Thank and link back to the person (or people) who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.