
Naughty/Nice Christmas Game

This is a fun Christmas gift exchange game
for a family, or gathering of individuals. 
To play the game:
 Everyone sits in a circle holding the gift they are giving.  
Someone reads the story aloud. 
Every time you hear the word right or left the gifts are passed in that direction to the person seated next to you.  
When you hear the word across,
exchange gifts with the person seated across from you.  
When the story is over keep the gift you are holding.  
Will you get a Naughty or a Nice gift?

A Naughty or Nice

Christmas with the WRIGHT Family

an adaptation by Betty Renne 2014


Christmas was almost here and Mother WRIGHT (hesitate briefly for gifts to be passed)
was in the kitchen finishing the Christmas baking. Sue WRIGHT  (hesitate as above)
was ACROSS the room decorating cookies.  (brief hesitation,  and so on)
and Billy WRIGHT
returned from their last minute Christmas errands ACROSS town at the mall.

"There's not much LEFT to be done,"
said Father WRIGHT,
as he walked ACROSS the kitchen
to eat one of Sue WRIGHT's cookies.

"Did you leave the basket of food at the church ACROSS town?"
asked Mother WRIGHT.
"I LEFT it
RIGHT where you told me
at the church with A CROSS on top"
said Father WRIGHT.

walked ACROSS the room to get a cookie too,
"I'm glad my shopping is done," he said. "I don't have any money LEFT."
"And pretty soon there won't be any cookies LEFT!", Sue said with a laugh.

The hall telephone rang and Sue WRIGHT
LEFT to answer it.
She hurried back and told the family, "Aunt Tillie WRIGHT
LEFT a package for us
ACROSS the street
at Grandma WRIGHT's house.
She LEFT it
RIGHT on the front porch!

I'll go over there RIGHT now and get it she said.
And she LEFT in a rush
and ran ACROSS the street
to Grandma WRIGHT's house.

LEFT the kitchen
and brought in the Christmas tree. He set it up in the family room,
ACROSS from the fireplace.

By the time Sue WRIGHT
had returned from Grandma WRIGHT's house
ACROSS the street,
Mother WRIGHT,
Father WRIGHT and
Billy WRIGHT were trimming the tree.

The entire WRIGHT family
sang Christmas carols while they decorated.
When the tree was trimmed the only thing LEFT,
was to watch as Father WRIGHT
placed A CROSS on the top branch.

They LEFT all the presents
under the tree and went ACROSS the room
to admire the twinkling lights.

As they drifted off to sleep that night, the WRIGHT family
hoped they had selected all the RIGHT presents for their family. 

Some were RIGHT Naughty......
some were RIGHT Nice,
and those that were LEFT,
were not, necessarily, naughty nor nice.

Now I hope you have the RIGHT present for yourself,
because that's all that is LEFT of our story.....
Except to wish you a Merry Christmas....isn't that RIGHT???


  1. This is a cute adaptation of the Wright Family. We've gathered as an extended family at Christmas for several years (now about 55 of us) and this Left/Right game is our favorite tradition. I'm always looking for a new version, so thank you and Merry Christmas to all!!!

  2. Thank you for visiting and leaving your comment. I agree this game is such fun and adding the naughty or nice element really proved to make it doubly fun for everyone involved. I'd love to see what naughty and nice gifts your family came up with. Best wishes for a Blessed Christmas and loads of family fun togetherness. Hugs,


Please comment so I know you've stopped by.
I'd love to return the visit. Hugs, BettyJean